Adventure is Family
Ups and downs, happy and sad... together, we do life.
What is Pastoral Care?
Pastoral Care is an area of Adventure that intentionally encourages and prays with and over an individual. Maybe you just lost a family member, or you’re feeling lonely, or need prayer for something, whatever the situation, Adventure’s Pastoral Care Team wants to walk together with you in any hard time or trial you may be experiencing. Pastoral Care is not exclusively bound to those listed or even solely to hardships. Pastoral Care is in its purest sense recognizing that we are not alone, and that we are surrounded with a community that is willing to walk with us in any and all situations.
Who can I reach out to?
Have you just lost a loved one? Feeling lonely? Need prayer or encouragement? Experienced a financial crisis? Or need help with something? Whether you said yes to any or all of these, or maybe have a need not listed, please feel free to contact Leah, at as well as filling out our pastoral care form that is embedded on this page below.
How can I join the team to help?
Thank you for your interest! We would love to have you apart of the team. If you are interested, please contact Leah, at You don’t need any special talents or qualifications, just a heart willing to love & pray with and for your fellow brother and sister. Scripture is constantly reminding us that we are called to Love God with all our heart, soul mind and strength and our neighbor as ourself. SO many places in scripture talk about loving one another. There is no where you see, figure it out on your own, do it by yourself….pull yourself up. We see this idea of community in all areas of pursuing Christ. We can’t do this alone, but need to continue encouraging each other to the end! (Hebrews 10:24-25)
So join us in loving our neighbor and doing this wild thing of life together!
So join us in loving our neighbor and doing this wild thing of life together!

Pastoral Care Form
Please fill out this form if you are in need of care.