The Vision
We believe God is who He says He is
and He will do what He says He will do.
and He will do what He says He will do.
The Mission
To help people make a life-transforming connection with Jesus Christ and equip them to live the adventure of faith.
The Values
As demonstrated by the early church, we believe Jesus has called us to be devoted to:
Adventure, Discipleship and Authenticity.
Adventure, Discipleship and Authenticity.



Adventure is a willingness to boldly act in faith. It is taking risks dependent on God. It is living missionally and serving in our everyday spaces. It is sharing Jesus’ love freely because all people matter to God and therefore matter to us. Adventure is intentionally practicing radical hospitality because we believe there is a place in the Kingdom of Heaven for everyone. And Adventure is practicing selfless generosity because all we have belongs to God and we are merely a conduit for his blessing to flow through.
Discipleship is intentionally living into relationships, seeking to invite others to learn alongside us as we learn and draw closer to God. It is being joyfully obedient, accountable, encouraging and loving in the ways God has called us to be. Discipleship is living into God’s grace for all people, experiencing our unmerited favor through Christ’s forgiveness and blessings, and being compelled to extend that grace to others as Christ has extended it to us.
Authenticity is living our whole lives with transparent integrity. It is practicing humility by recognizing our own need for saving, our inability to do so ourselves, and our need for Jesus. In this recognition, we are compelled to treat others as ourselves, as people in process, seeking honesty, gratitude and deep joy in the incredible blessings and transformation God works in our lives. Authenticity is staying curious and amazed at who God is and practicing wonder by humbly seeking to know God and His desire for our lives ever increasingly.